item Profile kompatible Aluminiumprofile entdecken

Hohe Flexibilität & nahtlose Integration

Die Vorteile kompatibler Konstruktionsprofile

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Kompatible Konstruktionsprofile bieten eine hohe Flexibilität und ermöglichen eine nahtlose Integration in bestehende Systeme, wie man in unserem Katalog sehen kann. Sie überzeugen durch ihre Robustheit und Langlebigkeit, was sie zur idealen Wahl für vielfältige Anwendungen macht.

Ein herausragendes Merkmal unserer Aluminiumprofile ist ihre Vielseitigkeit. Diese ermöglicht nicht nur verschiedene Verbindungstechniken, sondern auch eine einfache Anpassung und Erweiterung der Konstruktion. Somit können sie problemlos in unterschiedlichste Anwendungen integriert werden und erfüllen dabei stets höchste Anforderungen und sind kompatibel mit baugleichen item Profile.

PI-1004 SN6000
Bed Plate Connection Profile 8 55x20, natural
Plate profiles 8 are used for the production of variably sized surfaces with grooves 8 in a 40. grid. The fastening can be done on profile racks of different typesDelivery length 6030 mm

From €120.66*
PI-1004 SZ
Bed Plate Connection Profile 8 55x20, natural
Plate profiles 8 are used for the production of variably sized surfaces with grooves 8 in a 40. grid. The fastening can be done on profile racks of different types Cut to size max. 6000 mm

PI-1003 SZ
Bed Plate Profile 8 8 152x20, natural
Plate profiles 8 are used for the production of variably sized surfaces with grooves 8 in a 40. grid. The fastening can be done on profile racks of different types Cut to size max. 6000 mm

PI-1003 SN6000
Bed Plate Profile 8 8 152x20, natural
Plate profiles 8 are used for the production of variably sized surfaces with grooves 8 in a 40. grid. The fastening can be done on profile racks of different typesDelivery length 6030 mm

From €429.24*
PI-3135 SZ
Clamp Profile 6 30x30 E, natural
Profiles 6 are particularly suitable for weight-optimised assemblies. The grooves and the core holes of profiles 6 are designed for M6 screws.Cut to size max. 6000 mm

PI-3135 SN6000
Clamp Profile 6 30x30 E, natural
Profiles 6 light are particularly suitable for weight-optimised assemblies. The grooves and the core holes of the profiles 6 are designed for M6 screws.Delivery length 6030 mm

From €55.38*
PI-1420 SN6000
Clamp Profile 8 32x18, natural
The clamping profile 18x32 is suitable for the construction of light sliding doors and swing doors. The panel element is fixed with a clamping spring. The clamping profile 18x32 has a groove with 10 mm and one with 8 mm.Delivery length 6030 mm

From €52.08*
PI-1420 SZ
Clamp Profile 8 32x18, natural
The clamping profile 18x32 is suitable for the construction of light sliding doors and swing doors. The panel element is fixed with a clamping spring. The clamping profile 18x32 has a groove with 10 mm and one with 8 mm. Cut to size max. 6000 mm

PI-1410 SN6000
Clamp Profile 8 40x40-180°, natural
Profiles 8 are suitable for assemblies of all kinds. Due to the different profile geometries, the material requirements can be adapted to the application. The grooves and the core holes of the profiles 8 are designed for M8 screws. Clamping profiles are used to build large and stable protective panels. The panel elements are screwed together with cylinder head screws and clamping strips. The direct screwing of the panel element supports the stability of the panel. Panel size: clear inside dimension +30.0 mmDelivery length 6030 mm

From €310.20*
PI-1410 SZ
Clamp Profile 8 40x40-180°, natural
Profiles 8 are suitable for assemblies of all kinds. Due to the different profile geometries, the material requirements can be adapted to the application. The grooves and the core holes of the profiles 8 are designed for M8 screws. Clamping profiles are used to build large and stable protective panels. The panel elements are screwed together with cylinder head screws and clamping strips. The direct screwing of the panel element supports the stability of the panel. Panel size: clear inside dimension +30.0 mm Cut to size max. 6000 mm

PI-1396 SN6000
Clamp Profile 8 40x40, natural
Profiles 8 are suitable for assemblies of all kinds. Due to the different profile geometries, the material requirements can be adapted to the application. The grooves and the core holes of the profiles 8 are designed for M8 screws. Clamping profiles are used to build large and stable protective panels. The panel elements are screwed together with cylinder head screws and clamping strips. The direct screwing of the panel element supports the stability of the panel. Panel size: clear inside dimension +30.0 mmDelivery length 6030 mm

From €165.38*
PI-1396 SZ
Clamp Profile 8 40x40, natural
Profiles 8 are suitable for assemblies of all kinds. Due to the different profile geometries, the material requirements can be adapted to the application. The grooves and the core holes of the profiles 8 are designed for M8 screws. Clamping profiles are used to build large and stable protective panels. The panel elements are screwed together with cylinder head screws and clamping strips. The direct screwing of the panel element supports the stability of the panel. Panel size: clear inside dimension +30.0 mm Cut to size max. 6000 mm

PI-1390 SZ
Clamp Profile 8 40x40, natural
Profiles 8 are suitable for assemblies of all kinds. Due to the different profile geometries, the material requirements can be adapted to the application. The grooves and the core holes of the profiles 8 are designed for M8 screws. Clamping profiles are used to build large and stable protective panels. The panel elements are screwed together with cylinder head screws and clamping strips. The direct screwing of the panel element supports the stability of the panel. Panel size: clear inside dimension +30.0 mm Cut to size max. 6000 mm

PI-1390 SN6000
Clamp Profile 8 40x40, natural
Profiles 8 are suitable for assemblies of all kinds. Due to the different profile geometries, the material requirements can be adapted to the application. The grooves and the core holes of the profiles 8 are designed for M8 screws. Clamping profiles are used to build large and stable protective panels. The panel elements are screwed together with cylinder head screws and clamping strips. The direct screwing of the panel element supports the stability of the panel. Panel size: clear inside dimension +30.0 mmDelivery length 6030 mm

From €210.50*
Clamp Profile-Strip 23 x 0,15 E, bright zinc-plated-6
Profiles 6 are particularly suitable for weight-optimised assemblies. The grooves and the core holes of the profiles 6 are designed for M6 screws.

PI-1002 SN6000
Profil 8 160x16, natur
Profiles 8 are suitable for a wide range of assemblies. The grooves and the core holes of the profiles 8 are designed for M8 screws.Delivery length 6030 mm

From €309.72*
PI-7065 SZ
Profile 10 100x100 E, natural
Profiles 10 are suitable for a wide range of assemblies. The grooves and the core holes of the profiles 10 are designed for M10 screws.Cut to size max. 6000 mm

PI-7065 SN6000
Profile 10 100x100 E, natural
Die Profile 10 sind für verschiedenste Baugruppen geeignet. Die Nuten und die Kernlöcher der Profile 10 sind ausgelegt für Schrauben M10.Lieferlänge 6030 mm

From €430.00*
PI-7060 SN6000
Profile 10 100x100, natural
Profiles 10 are suitable for a wide range of assemblies. The grooves and the core holes of the profiles 10 are designed for M10 screws.Delivery length 6030 mm

From €487.94*
PI-7060 SZ
Profile 10 100x100, natural
Profiles 10 are suitable for a wide range of assemblies. The grooves and the core holes of the profiles 10 are designed for M10 screws.Cut to size max. 6000 mm

PI-7040 SN6000
Profile 10 100x50 E, natural
The profiles 10 E are suitable for weight-optinated assemblies of all kinds. Due to the different profile geometries, the material requirements can be adapted to the application. The grooves and the core holes of the profiles 10 E are designed for M10 screws.Delivery length 6030 mm

PI-7040 SZ
Profile 10 100x50 E, natural
Die Profile 10 E sind geeignet für gewichtsoptinierte Baugruppen aller Art. Durch die verschiedenen Profilgeometrien kann der Materialbedarf an die Anwendung angepasst werden. Die Nuten und die Kernlöcher der Profile 10 E sind ausgelegt für Schrauben M10.Zuschnitt max. 6000 mm

PI-7050 SN6000
Profile 10 100x50, natural
Profiles 10 are suitable for a wide range of assemblies. The grooves and the core holes of the profiles 10 are designed for M10 screws.Delivery length 6030 mm

PI-7050 SZ
Profile 10 100x50, natural
Profiles 10 are suitable for a wide range of assemblies. The grooves and the core holes of the profiles 10 are designed for M10 screws.Cut to size max. 6000 mm


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Was sind Aluprofile?

Aluprofile sind Aluminiumkomponenten, die in verschiedenen Formen und Größen erhältlich sind und in der industriellen Fertigung als Konstruktionsprofile vielseitig eingesetzt werden.

Welche Vorteile bieten Aluprofile?

Aluprofile sind leicht, robust, korrosionsbeständig und einfach zu montieren, was sie ideal für zahlreiche industrielle Anwendungen macht.

Sind Ihre Aluprofile mit item und Bosch Profilen kompatibel?

Ja, unsere Aluprofile sind vollständig kompatibel mit item Profilen und Bosch Profilen, was eine nahtlose Integration in bestehende Systeme ermöglicht.

Wie nachhaltig sind Aluprofile?

Aluprofile sind umweltfreundlich und zu 100% recycelbar, was sie zu einer nachhaltigen Wahl für industrielle Anwendungen macht.

Wo kann ich Aluprofile kaufen?

In unserem Onlineshop bieten wir eine breite Auswahl an hochwertigen Aluprofilen, die Sie bequem online bestellen können.

Welche Arten von Aluprofilen gibt es?

Aluprofile sind äußerst vielseitig und in einer Vielzahl von Formen und Größen erhältlich. Sie bieten Lösungen für unzählige Anwendungen in verschiedenen Industrien.

Ein populärer Typ ist das sogenannte T-Profil, das aufgrund seiner Stabilität und Anpassungsfähigkeit weithin geschätzt wird. Diese Profile eignen sich hervorragend für den Bau von Rahmenkonstruktionen und Maschinen.

Darüber hinaus gibt es die H-Profil-Variante, die häufig in der Architektur und im Bauwesen eingesetzt wird. Durch ihre besondere Form bieten sie eine besonders hohe Tragfähigkeit und eignen sich ideal für tragende Konstruktionen.

Auch die L-Profile sind sehr gefragt, besonders im Möbelbau und bei der Konstruktion von Trennwänden. Ihre rechtwinklige Form macht sie ideal für Eckverbindungen und sorgt für zusätzliche Stabilität.

Schließlich sind U-Profile ebenfalls weit verbreitet, besonders im Bereich des Transportwesens und der Automobilindustrie. Sie bieten eine hohe Flexibilität und lassen sich leicht an unterschiedliche Anforderungen anpassen.